Thursday, November 25, 2010

St-Pierre over Koscheck in UFC 124

Excellent strike, deadly ground game, the best tactician and well-rounded game is St-Pierre's edge over Koscheck. St-Pierres attitude inside the ring during his last fight shows him unbeatable. He looks well prepared and conditioned in his every fight. He has the strength and power in striking, so when Koscheck stages a stand-up fight, he will be punished by St-Pierre. If he chooses to stay on the ground, he will use everything just to wrestle and submit St-Pierre.

St-Pierre is a thinking fighter. Every move is calculated and nothing is wasted. This will give Koscheck the difficulty in putting St-Pierre into a vulnerable position. If the fight lasted the whole three rounds, St-Pierre will definitely have the decision but my prediction is St-Pierre by a knockout.

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