Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Christmas, a Real Birthday of Jesus Christ?

Would you feel happy when somebody greets you a happy birthday when it is not the day that you were born? Have you ever asked yourself if December 25 is really the day when our Lord Jesus Christ was born?

 The bible does not have an accurate date as to the day our Lord Jesus Christ was born nor did it commanded its people to celebrate such occasion. Historical studies show that the origin of Christmas cannot be traced from any Christian practices or celebrations. Rather, it was believed to be rooted from Pagan celebrations and was later adopted by the church.While it is clear that in the bible, when Jesus Christ was born, the shepherds are out in the fields feeding their flocks. The 25th of December simply cannot be considered on this point since no flocks can go out in the fields during this time.
Pagans are called unbelievers, and it is very difficult to understand that those who call themselves "Christians" follows the practice of a pagan celebration. Thus, it is only proper for us to deeply understand first what we are celebrating before doing it for what is "good" in our sight may not be the "right" thing for us to do.

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