Monday, December 6, 2010

Rarely Seen Philippine Wild Cat

This Philippine wild cat was held captive in one of the local area in the country. After four months in captivity it died in a common cold. What is interesting in this wild cat is that it looks like a tiger cub having similarity to that color of a tiger. It looks like an ordinary cat but its color resembles to that of a tiger and grows as big as a local dog.

I have never seen this cat in the net nor in books thus I was enticed to take a picture of it inside its cage. When I first glanced at it inside the cage, I thought it was a tiger cub but told that it was a wild cat locally known as “maral.”

Thursday, November 25, 2010

St-Pierre over Koscheck in UFC 124

Excellent strike, deadly ground game, the best tactician and well-rounded game is St-Pierre's edge over Koscheck. St-Pierres attitude inside the ring during his last fight shows him unbeatable. He looks well prepared and conditioned in his every fight. He has the strength and power in striking, so when Koscheck stages a stand-up fight, he will be punished by St-Pierre. If he chooses to stay on the ground, he will use everything just to wrestle and submit St-Pierre.

St-Pierre is a thinking fighter. Every move is calculated and nothing is wasted. This will give Koscheck the difficulty in putting St-Pierre into a vulnerable position. If the fight lasted the whole three rounds, St-Pierre will definitely have the decision but my prediction is St-Pierre by a knockout.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Pope comments on the use of condom: A change of Church position against the use of contraception?

A big question mark when the pope said condom could be allowed to be used by "male prostitutes". After strong oppositions in the use of artificial contraceptives, is it proper for the pope to make such comment? More is on the existence of "male prostitutes." When the pope made the said comment, is it proper for him to make them as examples? It sounds like male prostitutes are accepted by the church which is more horrible than using contraceptives!

See these pages:

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Another RING for Kobe!

      The stage is set. With competitive supporting casts and the most respected court general on his side, Kobe is looking young and more determined to add another ring to his basketball career. After winning their first 7 games, Kobe is showing a classy and confident leadership inside the court. It is like seeing Michael Jordan in his last NBA season where he gained his sixth championship ring. Kobe has been always showing his unstoppable moves and consistent scoring. Looking at the team, we are looking at the old bulls team, where Jordan is well supported by talented players with complete arsenal. With the latest acquisitions and reliable Gasol and Odom, Kobe is at the realm of achieving another success this season. Phil Jackson is back for no reason after finishing his contract with the Lakers. That reason is winning more rings under his reign. He is like no other. Looking at the way he organized the team with the new and the old team members, every pieces seemed perfect and well fitted. Only one more thing is lacking as of this time, the  sixth Championship Ring!          


Terrorism is an act of cowardice

With so many innocent lives lost, property and possessions destroyed, people and nations had suffered a lot from terrorism. It is an act of instilling fear and distraught to the minds of people in this world. With its global impact and influence, it is an act that people would always look at their backs and show distrust to their governments.

Marking the September 11 terrorist attack to the United States of America and various suicide bombings around the world, terrorists had painted their pictures in the minds of every peace-loving individual of this world. While these people dreamed of a peaceful life others are ruining it.

Every problem is answered by solution/s. Causing more chaotic results cannot solve a problem. Thus, terrorism is an act of conceding to a problem. Rather than facing it, terrorists tend to yield to the force of darkness. This is not bravery. This is hiding in front of a battle instead of fighting back. Many countries are facing and combating problems through intellectual battles and they succeeded. This is a clear manifestation of using diplomacy in bridging their gaps and eliminating differences.

Peace is vital for achieving a united world. But, for the terrorists peace is the hurdle for achieving their goals. Though they contend of achieving such through terrorism, the question is crystal clear, is there peace in a chaotic world? It is like passing an exam through cheating! Passing may be a good goal but cheating is clearly the wrong way.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Christmas, a Real Birthday of Jesus Christ?

Would you feel happy when somebody greets you a happy birthday when it is not the day that you were born? Have you ever asked yourself if December 25 is really the day when our Lord Jesus Christ was born?

 The bible does not have an accurate date as to the day our Lord Jesus Christ was born nor did it commanded its people to celebrate such occasion. Historical studies show that the origin of Christmas cannot be traced from any Christian practices or celebrations. Rather, it was believed to be rooted from Pagan celebrations and was later adopted by the church.While it is clear that in the bible, when Jesus Christ was born, the shepherds are out in the fields feeding their flocks. The 25th of December simply cannot be considered on this point since no flocks can go out in the fields during this time.
Pagans are called unbelievers, and it is very difficult to understand that those who call themselves "Christians" follows the practice of a pagan celebration. Thus, it is only proper for us to deeply understand first what we are celebrating before doing it for what is "good" in our sight may not be the "right" thing for us to do.

No Knockout for Pacquiao!

The game is over! After 12 rounds of boxing, Pacquiao was declared the best fighter of our time. After demolishing Margarito of Mexico, the Filipino boxing icon emerged victorious and successful in winning his eighth belt.

Yet, one question remains unsettled. We have seen how Pacquiao handled and dominated the fight, Margarito was beaten and weakened, he's defenseless against the lightning and super punches of Pacquiao and never did in the entire boxing he was given the chance to beat Pacquiao. But, why did Pacquiao hesitated to knock him down? Instead, he even looked at the referee to save Margarito from total annihilation!

Questions, that could produce different explanations and speculations. Is it because Pacquiao pitied Margarito? Or is it because of betting against those who gambled their money for a knockout?

Pacquiao gives us an entertainment we've rarely seen in boxing. Though many heroic actions have been written in the history of boxing, Manny did it this time of Information Age where people around the world had witnessed it  live in front of their television sets.